Existentialism and Responsibility for Your Actions
Existentialism is a radical philosophy which takes our life issues as its central focus. From an existentialism perspective despite people being in this world without their prior consent – it’s up to us to create our life’s meaning. According to Sartre, ‘existence precedes essence’ it means that people don’t have any predetermined purpose why they […]
Children in Care Need Male Care workers Too!
Male care workers can often be the first positive male role models that children have met, and play a vital role. But male care workers can face their own challenges in roles traditionally considered to be mainly carried out by women. Children in Care invariably bring a history of their relationships with males to fostering and […]
The Fostering Network the State of the Nation’s foster care survey (2016)
The Fostering Network the State of the Nation’s foster care survey (2016) – What foster carers think and feel about fostering is now available. The Fostering Network research involved in total 2,530 foster carers from across the UK completed the survey online: 1,942 of these fostered in England, 359 in Scotland, 122 in Wales and […]
Managing Quality Outcomes in Health and Social Care Settings
Managing quality outcomes is an essential element of management competence. Measuring and assessing service quality in the social care sector presents some distinct challenges. However, indicators of service quality, including those of service impact on outcomes for children. Monitoring can mean ‘continuous or regularly repeated observations of important parts of service structure, process, output or […]