Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children research and guidance information
Main Legislative Framework and Guidance The Children Act 1989 places a responsibility upon Local Authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people living in their area. When children in need are identified, an assessment of their needs should be undertaken. A major factor for unaccompanied asylum seeking children is that the […]
Training and Development
The Education and Training Foundation (website) released a set of aspirational standards in May 2014. The Professional Standards provide a framework for teachers and trainers to critically appraise their own practice and improve their teaching through Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Almost 1,000 sector professionals were involved in the development of the standards to ensure they […]
Some aspects of training and the Fostering National standards (2011)
National standards in foster care NMS 3.8. Foster carers must receive training in promoting positive care and control of children, including training in de-escalating problems and disputes NMS 4.6. Foster carers must receive training around appropriate safer-care practice, including skills to care for children who have been abused NMS 6.7. Foster carers […]