Children in Care Need Male Care workers Too!
Male care workers can often be the first positive male role models that children have met, and play a vital role. But male care workers can face their own challenges in roles traditionally considered to be mainly carried out by women. Children in Care invariably bring a history of their relationships with males to fostering and […]
The Fostering Network the State of the Nation’s foster care survey (2016)
The Fostering Network the State of the Nation’s foster care survey (2016) – What foster carers think and feel about fostering is now available. The Fostering Network research involved in total 2,530 foster carers from across the UK completed the survey online: 1,942 of these fostered in England, 359 in Scotland, 122 in Wales and […]
Training Support and Development Standard 3.4 (Promoting positive behaviour)
Promoting principles for supporting the behaviour development in children and young people whilst meeting the Training Support and Development Standards. In terms of promoting positive relationships and socially aware behaviour the following methods are sometimes useful in supporting behaviour management and working in line with the Training Support and Development Standards: Using positive reinforcement strategies; […]
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children research and guidance information
Main Legislative Framework and Guidance The Children Act 1989 places a responsibility upon Local Authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people living in their area. When children in need are identified, an assessment of their needs should be undertaken. A major factor for unaccompanied asylum seeking children is that the […]
Health and social care training and the use of reflective functioning
Reflective functioning is described by various researchers to involve both a self-reflective and interpersonal components in which an individual grasps the complex interplay between their own feelings and those of others. One way of trainers/teachers manifesting the characteristics of reflective thinking is through models of training and/or teaching delivery. For health and social care training […]