When designing your organisation fostering services policies and procedures risk assessment the following legislation and standards refer to aspects of risk assessment in foster care settings:
- Fostering Services Regulations ( England) 2011
- Regulation 13 (3) – Behaviour management and children missing from the parent’s home
- http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2011/581/regulation/13/made Schedule 7 – Events and Notifications
- http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2011/581/schedule/7/made
- Fostering Services National Minimum Standards 2011 – Standard 5 – Children Missing from Care foster carers
- http://www.minimumstandards.org/fostfive.html
- http://www.minimumsstandards.org/fostfour.html
- Children’s Act 1989, Guidance and Regulations Volume 4 Fostering Service, Chapter 3 – Ensuring the best for children and young people (paragraph 3.88. to3.94)
- The Children’s Homes and Looked After Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 (Section 29 (a)
- The Children and Families Act 2014
In addition when designing your fostering services policies and procedures risk assessment also try to relate your information to the wider legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in foster care settings for children and young people: e.g. roles and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE); United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; role of service managers and team leaders, employees and service users under the law, e.g. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974; Manual Handling Operations 1992; COSHH 1994 (amended 2002); Human Rights Act 1998; the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 (amended 2003); RIDDOR 2013; Food Safety Act 1990; Food Hygiene Regulations 2006; Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (FSO) 2005; Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)
In terms of fostering service policy and procedure risk assessment policies, when working in line with the Fostering: Inspections of independent fostering agencies inspection good grade, the promotion of a good risk assessment policy whilst ensuring staff and foster carers comply to such guidance may well contribute to the experiences and progress of, and outcomes for, children and young people. Ofsted 2014:19 appear to indicate that fostering placement plans and risk assessments must be established with foster carers for each individual child and young person placed and include actions required to protect and support the children/young people concerned. Ofsted 2014:19 also indicates that it good practice for adults to take action to protect children and to review plans for them where they continue to be at risk.